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The Black Forest

Commonly referred-to as the “Northern Baronies,” this large forested region is filled with scores of small hamlets, villages and towns, and just as many Barons, Counts and Dukes, each with their own lands (there is not one section short of Angel’s reach which doesn’t belong to someone.)  These noble lands range from expansive to tiny, with noble families living in massive, elaborate castles to small, simple keeps.  Some of the more prominent families also maintain small castles in Astoria, and a few of the most prosperous even have villas in the major cities and the southern empire.  Each noble has a force of troops and retainers, the strength according to the size and prosperity of their lands.  The nobles of these “Baronies” are constantly jockeying for position at court.  Their hard-working subjects are heavily taxed.

Each noble in this region handles their own military affairs (patrolling) and matters of justice, collects their own and the Imperial taxes, and answers to the Emperor.  The primary route through the Black Forest and into Astoria is called the “Emperor’s Road,” and is both toll-free and patrolled by Imperial Cavalry.  Many of the smaller roads in the baronies, however, are toll-roads.  This places yet another burden on the common folk.
