hit counter code Hax

HAX:  This is Florenta’s & Castille’s Jerusalem.  The birthplace and entombment of St. Cuthbert.  Once a great and wondrous Imperial City, it has been lost to the forces of the Grimme.  The Tomb of St. Cuthbert is still there and still intact, protected by powerful divine magic, untouchable by all save the faithful.  It is said that to lay hands upon his tomb is to receive long life, prosperity and an instant state of grace, assurance of ascension into heaven.

Hax was lost 450 years ago to the forces of The Grimme, and has been the subject of (4) Crusades, the most recent being 50 years ago.  Some crusaders are still alive.  The goal of the crusades was to restore Hax to its Imperial splendor and save the holy city from the evil of the non-believers.  The first two crusades succeeded;  The 1st held the city for 2 years.  The 2nd held it for 10 years.  The third was annihilated, never reaching the city.  The 4th Crusade was the most bitter; it took 12 years to retake Hax, it was held against constant onslaught for 25 years, then lost, with crusaders straggling home.  The problem is that it has been shown it can be done, and murmurs of a 5th crusade have begun to circulate…
