hit counter code Astoria

The seat of power.  In actual size and population, Astoria is smaller than Florenta, but it is far more beautiful.  Dozens of castles & palaces fill the city, and even the common architecture is dramatic, fine granite and marble, with slate and copper roofs and elaborate gardens and statuary.  High towers make up the city’s skyline, rising above the forest canopy.

This is a city of nobility, and it seems that every other person you meet is a baron or princeling or knight of some type, or relative of such.  The Governor of Astoria is a non-hereditary noble appointment by the Emperor, with the title of ArchDuke (a slightly lesser position than Grand Duke.)  With so many noble houses in the city, the function of “Governor” is fairly ceremonial.  Lesser officials handle the affairs of city works, the Emperor (or Steward) controls the Imperial Legion, Imperial Guard and Astoria Lighthorse headquartered in the city, and the nobles here pay their taxes directly to the Imperial House.  The Governor of Astoria does have the authority to appoint administrators and magistrates, has command over The Watch, and is entitled to a portion of collected taxes to maintain his own house.  He also has personal lands from which he receives taxes and raises troops.  He is protected by personal retainers, just as are the nobles of the city.  The Governor of Astoria’s real power comes from the fact that he is in effect the Steward’s Secretary, and controls the access nobles have to the ruler.  He sets appointments and serves as an advisor, which makes him a powerful & influential figure.  Currently, Lord Marco has appointed Lord Ciccio Nova as the city governor.  Nova has no hereditary claim to the Imperial throne, and is therefore less of a threat.  He is an absolute lackey to the Steward.

Among the noble houses of Astoria are the four hereditary families who command elements of the Astoria Lighthorse.  These are military families of varied noble status, who have their own lands & castles, but historically live spartan lives of military service.  They have influence at court, but usually disdain petty politics unless the agenda is of a military nature.
