hit counter code Torregidor

Torregidor is a massive city to rival Florenta, with towering spires, structures on a grand scale, fountains and gardens, red tile roofs, cobbled streets, bullfighting spectacles, art and leisure, and gold…lots of gold.  This lures rogues, but Castillians are quite imaginative in dealing with thievery…all executions are public, garroting is most popular.

The crown has a good sized military led by Knights of Torregidor (A Prestige Class) who are mounted on Giant Striders.  At times the Crown will send troops to the passes, but only for combat experience, not out of any real or regular commitment.

Nobles live primarily in great villas in Torregidor or in castles across the plains, where they are actually cattle barons.  The royal palace is magnificent, trade is good with Florenta, both overland and by sea.  The influence of the church (The Blessed Virgin) is stronger in Castille than Cuthbert is in Florenta, and Castillian merchants, although influential, know their place when it comes to going up against the church.

Castille produces its own form of monks.  They do not come up through the church, but through Bullfighting!  Though not all bullfighters are monks, all monks are accomplished bullfighters.  Some choose a prosperous career in the sport, and are national heroes.  Many seek the road and adventure, looking to earn a name for themselves and a place in history.  Castillian monks ensure they befriend all bards for this reason, and perhaps the greatest foe a Castillian Monk will face is his or her own pride…
