hit counter code Viletta

A deepwater port at the foot of high cliffs & the Pyr Range.  No suitable passes to the rest of the empire, approachable only from the sea.  A mining town which serves the Deadmines.  The Deadmines are the primary producer of Mithril in the known world, with diamonds as a byproduct.  Viletta’s remoteness made it difficult for the empire to hold onto after Thessalya & Thippus broke from the Imperium, and as the wars in the passes dragged on, draining resources, Florenta had to let it go.  (Also, Viletta wanted to belong to the Thippus / Thessalya Alliance.)

Control of the Deadmines goes back and forth between Nessia and the Alliance – frequent all-out conflicts which has ravaged the small port of Viletta, interrupted mining and brought the Mithral trade to a stuttering halt.  Even when Nessian occupation forces are driven out, they leave behind dark and fearsome creatures in the mines that prey on miners and disrupt operations.

There was a time when Elven trade ships from Llohna were as common in Viletta’s harbor as seagulls, but now due to the way the port changes hands, only the occasional ship ghosts in and out of port, no more than 2 or 3 per year.
