Announcing the 2025 UARC Steak Fry!

Saturday July 19, 2025 is the day to mark on your calendar for the UARC steak fry. This year it will be again at the traditional place - the Spruces Campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon. UARC has the group site reserved for the whole day, and people generally start arriving around 2pm and cooking generally starts around 3pm.  For anyone new, Steak Fry is a traditional dinner and meetup held by UARC at a nice, cool campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon.

Where is it, and how do I get there?

There will be steak, potatoes, corn, salad, ice cream and all the fixins - For just $15!
Steak, Salad, Potatoes, Corn, Ice Cream and all the fixins!

How do I get tickets for the Steak Fry, and how much do they cost?

The tickets for the 2025 UARC Steak Fry are still $15 per person, despite how expensive everything has gotten, and you can get them several ways:

PayPal Method #1

If you are familiar with PayPal, you can send money directly to UARC using the name Be sure to include your name, how many people are coming, and the necessary amount (e.g. $15 for one person, $30 for two, etc.)

PayPal Method #2

The other way using PayPal is to use one of the handy Links below:
One Person ($15)
Click Here
Two People ($30)
Click Here
Three People ($45)
Click Here
Four People ($60)
Click Here

After you click on the above link, click SEND to send money. From there simply log in using your PayPal account.
Please put your name and "Steak Fry" under "What's this payment for".

We hope to see you there!

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