hit counter code Florenta

Under normal circumstances, the reigning Emperor appoints a prominent relative (a brother or sister, an adult child) to rule as Imperial Governor of the Capitol City.  As such, the position may potentially be held by any status of noble (Baron, Count or Duke.)  In the current climate, since the emperor is a child and an orphan, the appointment comes from the Steward and is subject to change according to his will.  At present, the Imperial Governor of Florenta is the Steward’s cousin, Lord Ferdinand, Grand Duke (an elevated status of Dukedom granted by Imperial decree.)

In terms of status, power and influence at court, this governor is second only to the emperor (or Steward.)  He has all the responsibilities of the other city rulers (taxation, govt. appointments, city administration & defense, diplomacy & liaison with merchants, scholars and The Church) and related powers (compelled service, control over all military forces, taxation for personal use, etc.)  The infantry & cavalry units under his command are considerable (though smaller than Astoria or any field force in the Passes,) and he enjoys the protection of both a squad of the elite Imperial Guard and seasoned, personal retainers.  He primarily lives in the Governor’s Palace in the capitol, but also has castles and lands (and troops & taxes) in both the rich & beautiful countryside outside Florenta and in the lush, timbered foothills of the Black Forest, as well as a formal palace within Astoria itself. 

The presence of The Basilica and the Cardinal in Florenta gives the Imperial Governor open access to The Church, and makes him more subject to their influence.  He is advised by counselors and representatives from the three big factions, and is assisted in his duties by an army of lesser officials, giving him more time for a life of luxury and enjoyment of the culture & arts of Florenta.  Lord Ferdinand is a king in all respects save title, but he clearly understands his role as second-fiddle to Lord Franco (he knows Franco could very well end up as emperor) and also understands his position could easily be taken from him, followed by an assignment to one of the front-line Pass units.  Although Lord Ferdinand served several tours at Butcher’s Pass in his younger days, he has no desire to return… He likes his wine, mistresses, power and the 24-hour-a-day ass kissing he receives.