hit counter code Westvahl

Since the dawn of man, there have been humans in the Westvahl.  They are an isolated culture which avoided the great purge by the developing goblins, and has continued to carve out is existence despite the ever-present goblin threats and raids, and the dangers of the nearby Shadowfahl.  It is a culture thousands of years old. 

The Vorsemen are not so isolated they have never encountered other cultures.  They once traded with the human tribes and ancient human kings before the goblins pushed them back over the Alps, and there has been some limited contact with the Celts across the seas to the West.  Currently, however, the Vorsemen have no idea there exists an entire human empire south of the great peaks, and would be dizzy to learn of its grandeur and sophistication.  Not that they would particularly care.
The Vorsemen are a Clan Culture of warrior-horsemen, loyal to a central king.  They are without exception the finest horsemen in the world.  *(As reference, they are a mix of Nordic Vikings, Tribal Germanics & Tolkien’s ‘Riders of Rohan.’)  As “Barbarians, they follow the ways of war and nature, abhor unnatural things, shun Arcane “Book Magic” and are mistrustful of its users, but are oddly accepting of diversity.  A proud people, they are loyal to family, clan and king.

The people of the Westvahl are comprised of clans, each based upon a fortified “Clan Holding” where their leaders reside.  Clan Holdings serve not only as home to the ruling family, but also as a cultural gathering place for trade, celebrations and worship, and a defensive position in times of danger. 

At the top of each clan is the First Family, called the “Haas.”  It and the entire clan is ruled by the eldest male of this family, called the “Horselord.”  Within each clan are two basic castes; “The Vorse” (warriors) and “The Volk” (common folk.)  The Volk make up the majority of the clan, and they are the farmers, herders & craftsmen who keep everything going.  Both castes greatly admire and appreciate the other’s worth and contribution, and in Vorseman culture there is no such thing as a useless trade or craft.

A clan is loyal to itself first, but there is trade and cooperation with other clans, including frequent inter-marrying.  There is no war among clansmen.

Small and primitive by Imperial standards, a Westvahl clan holding is considered a great city by its people.  Typically situated high on a rocky bluff, with a mixture of stone and wooden palisade walls, it houses the Horselord’s stone keep, the Clan Hall (the center for feasts, celebrations and meetings), the Great Stable, a Trading Hall (an indoor flea-market-style gathering), a stone Granary (for winter and siege), a large Blacksmith, several Watchtowers, and homes for the Vorse and their families, as well as for prominent Volk.  Spreading outward from the rocky bluff will be the farms, cottages and barns of the Volk, with their fields and grazing lands.

Other than the few fishing villages and gold panning camps in the north, isolated clusters of Volk (villages) will simply not be found.  The Volk stay close to the Clan Holding.  It’s dangerous out there, you know…

The Iron and Silver Mines do not belong to any particular clan, but to the kingdom as a whole.  Rule and responsibility for these places is rotated through the various clans (considered a high honor) and is decided by the King.

The Horselord of a clan is judge & jury in all disputes, and the supreme commander of Vorse forces.  He alone decides how to best defend and care for his people, and upon whom he will make war.

Law:  Common Law prevails, and there is almost no thievery.  In extreme circumstances when the Horselord or King must preside over a criminal matter, the punishment is usually Exile (shunning and casting the guilty out of Vorse life and the safety of the clan holding, forcing him to survive on his own in the wilds.)  The Vorsemen have no imprisonment, no torture, and no capital punishment.  The greatest offense a Vorseman may commit is to intentionally take the life of another Vorseman.

The First Family of the Hamerskrieg Clan is the hereditary bloodline of the Kings of the Westvahl.  Their clan and Clan Holding operates like the others, but its Horselord is King of all the clans.  Tribute is not demanded (the Hamerskrieg is proudly self-sufficient, like the others) but the other six clans pay an annual tribute voluntarily, out of respect.

The King, like the Horselords, is the final judge and decision-maker in all matters, and makes war decisions for his entire people.  He is advised by the other six Horselords.

Theirs is a system of respect and honor, honesty, and general concern for the people and their way of life.  The King considers himself to be a warrior before all else, and will be the first into the saddle to lead his Vorsemen into battle.

At present, the King of the Westvahl is “Wuulfsonn of Clan Hamerskrieg,” a mighty barbarian warrior and horseman in his early fifties, intelligent, thoughtful and wise, beloved by his people and adored by his men.  He is a good and kind king, but utterly without sympathy for those who would prey upon his people.

Crops: Wheat, corn, vegetables, fruits (plus “Long grain” and “Pank.”)
Livestock:Cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, horses.
Foods:Domestic meat, game meat, bread, fruit, eggs, milk, cheese, stews, beer (Long Grain – low quality, and Laager – good quality.)
Goods:Leather products, wood products (plus carts & wagons), ivory (boar tusks), wool, hemp (gathered from the Shadowfahl), jewelry, pottery, drinking horns, saddles & tack, clothing and furs.  There is no glass.
Armor:Leather, studded leather, steel shoulder plates, greaves, arm guards, gauntlets, wooden shields reinforced with steel, helmets.  Very few breastplates.
Weapons: Swords, axes, hammers, daggers, spears, horse lance, bow.
Music: Drums, pipes, lyre.
Art:Wood carving, wool tapestries, jewelry [silver & gold used in common household items & drinking horns, as jewelry and adornments, in weapons and weapon detail.]

Most structures are a mixture of cut limestone block and heavy timbers, though some may be all of one or the other.  Thatch is a common roofing material for the Volk.  Two stories is usually the maximum for any structure, although the Clan Hall and Horselord’s Keep may be higher.
