hit counter code Eldred's Cross

Eldred’s Cross is ruled by the House of Eldred (crest is double dragons facing one another), a hereditary dukedom with over a thousand years of history.  Staunch defenders of the Imperium, the Eldreds are fiercely loyal to the Emperor, and the attitude of their city’s residents and soldiers reflects this.  At present, The Cross is governed by Duke Lucius Eldred, 2nd son to Dorian Eldred.  That venerable patriarch still lives, enjoying the life of an elderly, retired nobleman busy with grandchildren and painting with watercolors.  He has no official duties or claims to the dukedom.  Lucius has an older brother, a paladin who was to be Duke, but who abdicated in order to serve a life in the Pass Wars.  As Duke and Imperial Governor, Lucius exerts absolute control over every aspect of the city and its population.  His word is law.  The Eldred family has a tradition of selecting, training and supporting its own elite guard, known as the Caber Brigade.  These loyal troops guard the Royal Keep, bodyguard the ruling family, and at times assist other members of the government in carrying out the Duke’s wishes.  They are a common sight on the streets of The Cross, and are not to be meddled with.

The Governor is supported by advisors, a hand-picked cabinet known as “The Ministers.”  Their authority derives from the Duke, and they are the instruments of his policy.  Although each may have a personal agenda, all are loyal to the Dukedom.  These men are comprised of;

  • MINISTER of JUSTICE, The High Constable:  Oversees all elements of The Watch, jailers (known as “Gaolers,”), any Stiletto elements within the city, is nominally superior to traveling Imperial Marshals, and acts as judge for all capital court proceedings.
  • MINISTER of ARCANE AFFAIRS, The Royal Wizard:  With the assistance of his (3) apprentices, he advises on all arcane matters, and uses his considerable powers to defend the city and the government, and aid the Constable in the hunt for lawless villains.
  • MINISTER of ACCOUNTING:  Oversees the city’s (6) criers, (8) scribes and archivists, (2) moneychangers, (3) tariff officers and (6) tax collectors.  Handles all financial business for the government.
  • BISHOP of the ELDRED’S CROSS DIOCESE:  Though faithful to the Basillica and not technically answerable to the Duke, the Bishop nonetheless supports his directives and agenda, advises on all spiritual matters, and consults on issues of a sensitive political nature.
  • M’LORD ADMIRAL:  Commander or the city’s small military fleet, its sailors and handful of marines.  Of all the “ministers,” his opinion is rarely considered and almost never solicited.
  • M’LORD GENERAL:  In Eldred’s Cross, “The Guard” is not to be confused with “The Watch.”  The Watch handles law enforcement duties.  The Guard is the permanently-assigned force of approximately 1,000 soldiers and cavalrymen who defend the city walls and repel invaders.  This force is supplemented by another 2,000 civilian militiamen, half of whom actually manage to show up for their monthly drills.  Due to the dangerous nature of life in The Cross, the General’s counsel is closely followed.
Eldred's Cross